Today one of the WordPress MU blogs I administer (no, we have not updated them yet, don’t ask) played a little trick on me and ate some of its posts. Not all of them, mind you, just some of them, and all from the same category. I won’t lie, there was definitely some panic running through my email inbox. I contacted ITS in blind terror that it wouldn’t be recoverable, especially since a reporter was going to be accessing that site at any moment to do a story on it, and there was nothing I could do to stop her. And because this is the way with emergencies, everyone was at lunch.
There was nothing more I could do from my end, so I sat back and waited, chewing my nails and unable to concentrate on anything else. About an hour later, ITS guy came moseying along to my desk, and said, “I don’t understand the problem, I can see everything just fine.”
I went back to the browser (which of course was still open), hit F5, and voila! Content restored!
Except, ITS guy said it was like that when he got back from lunch, before he had time to touch anything.
To make a long story short, we were unable to discover what had caused the original glitch, nor what had caused it to repair itself. Which means that it could happen again, at any time, on any of our blogs, and we still wouldn’t know why. If you’ve run across this little problem before and/or have a theory you could share, I’d greatly appreciate the feedback! Life has enough little time bombs without this bug hanging over my head.